Transparent Roller Door Accessories and Performance Introduction

Rolling shutters (rolling gates) are connected in series with multi-joint moving sashes. Within a fixed slide, the upper and lower doors are rotated with the reel above the door as the center. With the improvement of technology, transparent shutter doors came into being. Let's take a look at the accessories and performance introduction of transparent shutter doors!


Polycarbonate specification: 100mm × 300mm lamella connection piece: Special design with double-layer structure aluminum alloy profile, can be embedded in the upper and lower lining. Simple and generous, resistant to pressure.


Aluminum alloy, special design, corrosion resistance, beautiful appearance.

Silent track

Aluminum alloy, double slot design, silent material can be embedded in the slot, to achieve the mute effect

Gating system

24V DC motor, quiet operation, safe and reliable, durable. It can be realized that when the door body opens and closes, obstacles automatically stop/reverse;

Door opening and closing

Automatic lighting and delay for three minutes, power failure can be switched to manual opening.


Full perspective design, to achieve the display effect of the window advertising, for the city's bustling area shops preferred to use polycarbonate (PC bullet-proof plastic), anti-theft performance of closed mute effect, to prevent wind and rain dust.

Heavy-duty design, strong aluminum profile embedded PC panel structure strength, suitable for large-scale facade use.

The design is simple and elegant, the appearance of elegance can be installed up and down, suitable for installation in special modeling places.

Yongkang Xiangrui Shutter Door Factory

Main business:

First, door categories: double aluminum rolling doors, plum lattice aluminum rolling doors, remote control electric doors, silencing shutter doors, wind shutter doors, mesh shutter doors, stainless steel connection doors, flap garage doors, perspective flap doors, European hair Blister shutter doors, industrial plant doors, glass sensor doors, electric retractable doors, induction gates, warehouse isolation network, and other custom installation.

Second, maintenance: professional repair of all types of manual, electric shutter doors, flap garage door, fire shutter doors, automatic sensor doors, rail, trackless electric retractable doors, manual, automatic gate gate, industrial plant doors, crystal shutter doors.

contact number

City Council Network: 712410

Contact: Kong Zhihua

Contact address: No. 203, Huaxia Road, Changcheng Industrial Zone, Yongkang City

Taobao shop:

Multi Angle Cutting Machine

Automatic Angle Cutting Machine, Multi Angle Cutter, Auto Angle Cutter, Automatic Angle Cutter, Angle hot and cold cutter

Suzhou Flying Man Assembly Automation Co., Ltd. ,

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